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For more information on or related to Historic Wintersburg:

Historic Wintersburg Huntington Beach, California. In her blog, Mary Adams Urashima shares her extensive research on the history of the endangered historic site of Historic Wintersburg, the Furuta family, and the Japanese American community of the region. Urashima, Mary F. Adams. Historic Wintersburg in Huntington Beach. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2014.

Heritage Museum of Orange County. Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the heritage of Orange County, the Heritage Museum of Orange County is a partnering institution that advocates for the preservation og Historic Wintersburg. Heritage Museum of Orange County. “National Treasure Historic Wintersburg.” Support HMOC. Last accessed November 19, 2021.

Yukiko Furuta, Interviewed by Arthur A. Hansen and Yasko Gamo. In 1982, Yukiko Furuta discusses her family’s experience in an interview with Arthur A. Hansen and Yasko Gamo for the Honorable Stephen K. Tamura Orange County Japanese American Oral History Project. Furuta, Yukiko. “Yukiko Furuta: Issei Experience in Orange County, California O.H. 1752.” Interview by Arthur A. Hansen and Yasko Gamo. Lawrence de Graaf Center for Oral and Public History, California State University, Fullerton, June 17 and July 6, 1982. An edited transcription is available here:

Our American Family: The Furutas. This documentary film depicts the story of the Furuta family. Demark, Bradford Van, director. Our American Family: The Furutas. Legacy Media, 2019. 25 minutes.

Walk the Farm. The history of the Furuta family farm is included in this website’s repository of Japanese American family farm histories. Furuta, Ken, Dave Furuta, and Norman Furuta. “Furuta Family Farm.” Walk the Farm. Accessed March 16, 2022.

Historic Wintersburg in Huntington Beach. In her book, Mary Adams Urashima documents the history of Wintersburg Village and the experiences of the Japanese American pioneering community. Urashima, Mary F. Adams. Historic Wintersburg in Huntington Beach. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2014.

Fish Pond. The art instillation by artist Michael Davis commemorates the agricultural history of Wintersburg by highlighting the Furuta family and their legacy. Art Installation, “Fish Pond,” Luce apartments Wintersburg/Furuta courtyard.

We Too Were Once Strangers. Artist Richard Turner’s sculpture of a celery stalk was designed to honor the heritage of Japanese American farmers of Orange County. Richard Turner, We Too Were Once Strangers, 2015, sculpture, city of Santa Ana.

Densho. A nonprofit organization, Densho houses a repository of oral histories of Japanese Americans who were incarcerated during World War II. Densho. “About Densho.” Last accessed November 19, 2022.

Clio. An educational website and application, Clio functions as a public guide to historial and cultural sites. Urashima, Mary Adams. “C.M. Furuta Gold Fish Farm at Historic Wintersburg.” Clio: Your Guide to History. March 15, 2018. Accessed November 19, 2022.